Monday, July 28, 2014

See young palastinian under persecution...

  You innocent palastian suffering from persecution... Of israel... God help and rescue them from persecution of zionism type Ameen...

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Western mass media tend to be bias on exposing the middle east crisis...

CNN and BBC.. are said to expose the griverances of israel and hide the cries of palestinians. Several kills done by israel to palestinians involve about 400 people in Gaza are not advertized by western media indeed... But a single kill of jewish citizen is exporsed by CNN and BBC all over the world.. is it freedom of mass media???? World see these an imperialistic mass media who work for capitalists gains... I curse this in the name of God creator...

Human rights is for allied power and jews not for black people and palestinians...

Where is AMNEST international in Gaza???? Where is UNO in Gaza???? Where is human rights in GazA???  Where is holly land in Gaza???? Arab league is now terminated by USA.. except iran...only...that remained who still fighting for palestinians rights.... We will never forget you YASSIR ARAFAt... With your INTIFFADDA... Movement.... RIP.... Arafat....

Dear world see how holly people preach a word of God.. in Gaza...

Israel has killed mass number of young palestinians... RIP... Curse be upon zionist jews...

Innocent palestinian child throws the stone over zionist tank run by israelite terrorists...

See young palestinian angainst persecution of israelite zionist tank running to destroy innocent palestinians at Gaza strip... God rescue them from persecution... And zionists terrorism.... Up now since last about 539 palestinians reported to be killed by israel attack..over gaza...

Terribly road accident kills one pedestrian..

Pedestrian dies of road accident in tanzania ... Type RIP....

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

USA feels xorry for Boers plain incident of malaysia but USA pretends blind to palestinian deceased made israels is human rights...??

Usa and allied powers may you feel grief to innocent palestinians at Gaza strip who are killed by jews... Their number are greater than those of holland- malayisian plain... God bless palestinians at Gaza rescue them from zionists terrorism....

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Mansa khankhan mussa the successor of mansa sundiatha keitha.. was the leading gold owner king in the western sudanic state ( maghreb state)

Mansa mussa was the king of mali empire who owned gold wealthy and  made mali to be dynasty with islamic laws... His empire was defeated by sun Ally in 1464 under mansa uli... Which marked the rise of songhai... Empire...


God help palestinian children at GAZA STRIP... From persecution and slaughter..... Type AMEN....

World! see how israel kills innocent palestinians

300 palestinians have been killed at Gaza strip...since two weeks ago.. God help these young generation innocents who suffer with no reason. TYPE AMEN.....