Monday, April 6, 2015

THE BEST AFRICAN LEADERS WHO initiated the formation UNITED STATE OF AFRICA and pan- africanism of Africa.

He was the first president of Ghana kwame nkurumah, the African patriotic and chauvinistic leader. He held Accra conference in 1958 in Ghana in order to initiate self rule in the  whole Africa. He insipired the birth of PAFMECA, PAFMESCA and OAU. He aimed at uniting African continent under a single currency, single president, single army and single government as UNited states of america.... Due to his activist his people lost legacy over him hence became unpopular this made him to be uprooted in 1966 ( coup de tat in Ghana )... We will remember you  Mr Nkurumah you are the lion of Africa forever.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Prof. Kaijage declares new ways to rift up Tanzanian economy...

Njia pekee ya kuongeza ajira kwa vijana na kuinua uchumi wetu ni kutia mkazo katika kilimo cha umwagiliaji ili tatizo la mfumuko wa bei kwa vyakula huweze kupungua na kuzuia uingizaji holela wa Michele kutoka china, Vietnam na Thailand. Haiza mavuno yakiwa mengi tutapata hifadhi kubwa ya chakula na ghafi zitakazo inua na kufufua viwanda hasa urafiki, bukopu, tanica, mwatex,kilitex, na kutengeza nafac kubwa za ajira kwa vijana ambalo linaonekana kuwa tatizo sugu. Kwa njia hii dola 1 itakuwa sawa na 1300tsh badala ya 1890tsh.