Thursday, January 30, 2014

Unataka kufaulu mtihani wa secondari? Soma hapa mbinu

Causes of second world war use letter . E. S. E. N. A. F. R. F. S. G. Letter .one means . Economic factor . Signing of varsailles peace treaty . European invasion of small state eg. German over dernmak,polland and over Rhur and rhine land. Nationalism in europe . A.ppeasament policy. F.ailure of disarmament policy. Rise of dictatorship. F.ailure of league of nations. Spanish civil war in 1936 under fransisco franco.. G.ermany invasion over poland in 1/9/1939... Which marked the begining of second world war by Kaijage, T.(2014). Historian hill. Dares-salaam. Kabone enter publisher press... For more contact tel 0784162363, or 0757790650

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